Ateliers en grande-terre

Kids' workshop - Parent/Kids 

FèyÔPéyi offers, a fun, creative and eco-friendly way to make your children's own everyday cosmetics for their birthday or any other event. These workshops can take place at our premises, at your home or any other location, on weekends (and everyday during school breaks).
Our workshops take place in small groups of 6 to 10 people.

By allowing your children to explore the world of homemade cosmetics they'll realize that they can make their own good products from simple, organic raw materials. This will then teach them how to respect our environment, by doing something good for nature themselves (creating healthy, non-polluting products).

On what occasions can we organize a Kids' or Parent-kid cosmetic workshop?


Every opportunity is a good one to learn how to make your own cosmetics :

  • a birthday
  • a school party
  • entertainment for recreation center, community center or a school
  • a corporate event (Christmas tree, Family day ...) 
  • or simply an activity to entertain your children during school breaks or weekends

Who's eligible ?


Our DIY workshops appeal to all children :

  • Girls
  • like boys

With suitable materials and formulas, children of all ages (or almost all) can participate :

  • alone ages 8 and up
  • or in pairs with an adult from age 4.
  • And, of course, parents can join in and make the same product with their child.


How does a kid or parent-kid cosmetics workshop unfold ?


For 2 hours, each child will create 2 pre-selected products. They will also have the opportunity to customize their finished products with lovely decorative papers.

Workshops take place in groups (6 or more participants) Two options :

  • Occasionally we offer themed workshops on our premises or in an outdoor location where you can sign up your children
  • At your home or any location of your choice (upon request) We come equipped with all the necessary materials for the workshop, and during the session, carefully selected ingredients are provided to the group : natural neutral bases, vegetable oils, natural dyes (mineral pigments) and natural aromas and fragrances

Using very simple recipes, each child (and parent) is provided with their own equipment to make a personalized product (scale, bowl, mini-whisk...), and leaves at the end of the workshop with a worksheet to recreate it at home later.

Product examples : Eau de toilette/perfume, soap, body wash, bath salts, tinted and flavored lip balm, glittery oil, shampoo...

Sessions include :

  • Introduction and explanation of hygiene, safety and regulatory precautions.
  • Details of recipes and ingredients used, along with their formulation (benefits, characteristics).
  • Explanation of product implementation
  • Guided, personalized advice
  • Moments of exchange

Please contact us for price rate on home-based workshops (from groups of 6 or more)

(Group package available for groups of 10 and more)

*Travel fees will be applied based on the location 

Check workshop schedules below

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